


After lounging around in and out of a vodka-induced coma for most of the day Saturday, I showered and prepared for more of the same... I had made plans to hang out in Hollywood with Maya and Fedra. The night began innocently enough at a British bar on Sunset. We barhopped and took advantage of the fact that we were born genetically advantaged (free parking, free drinks, and later free breakfast). After Friday night, Sat. was definitely more low key. Sunday, my roommate and I went to Malibu Beach and then let friends take us to dinner... and I wonder where the extra 5 lbs. have come from.

An update on A: we have plans to hang out tonight... I was invited to a big SoCo Poker Party, and invited him to tag along... it's actually a double date... with a gay couple... would I disappoint you!



I suppose it's a testament to how good my weekend was that I'm just now recovering enough to blog about it. Friday night there was a huge mansion party in the hills. Although I am very much opposed to bringing a guy to a party, I have 5 girlfriends in LA... and for various unfair reasons related to procrastination and strange unavoidable coincidence, none could attend and I was forced to invite YFJ (my co-worker). I know what you're thinking... you can't invite a guy you've hooked up with to a party and expect him to stand idly by while you flirt unrelentingly with every cute guy... nevertheless, that was my plan. After numerous attempts to ditch him (he would inevitably find me and stand there till I was forced to introduce him) I decided that there was only one way to deal with his "pee on my leg" behavior - ignore him. Once I mastered that tactic, I met a really cool guy, A. We hung out for a few hours and as the party died down (and my ride disappeared) we decided to get something to eat. RING RING (frantic drunken phone call from roommate) "So I met these 3 guys and they need a place to crash tonight...do you care". "Of course I don't mind," I answered, while picturing the 3 clean-cut cuties I had introduced her to before I left. At around 6am, A. dropped me off at my apt. Thankfully, he decided to walk me upstairs, because when I opened the door to see 3 heroin addicts on my couch, I could only reason that my roommate in all her thrifty endeavors had discovered some obscure tax break if we turned our apartment into a rehab facility/homeless shelter. A. and I had a brief sign language/facial expression conversation which culminated in A. very politely offering his place for me to crash...given the circumstances, I accepted without hesitation. NB: it is not trashy to go home with a guy you just met if the alternative is to be forced to stay up w/ 3 strung out dudes and my roommate (trust me...you've never met her...Danielle knows what I'm talking about!)

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