

Who knew being nice (or at least half nice) could be so much fun? After an insignificant 2 or 3 hours of sleep, I hopped out of bed this morning with a mission to right the socio-economic inequities of Greater Boston...at least for the day. That's right, Miss Stewart and I participated in the City Year Servathon, of our own volition I might add...who knew people did community service without a court order? Once in Boston, we met up with the lovely Kate and embarked on our humanitarian mission du jour. "I'm not a painter, I just paint a lot." For hours we inhaled fumes while painting over various flora and fauna (mold and roaches) in a tenement apartment, all the while singing to Toni Braxton and other assorted/too new to be classic hits. We debated over whether or not to rescue the more than 30-pound overweight chihuahua that resided in said apartment...finally resolving that whoever carried the dog down the necessary 3 flights of stairs would end up with a hernia. After the day's altruistic adventures, which are too countless to detail, I am left to ponder why people with child-bearing hips hate? P.S. Sometimes it does take 3 people to take out the trash.


I talked to my boss yesterday, and she told me she would be in today...yet here it is 1pm and not so much as a phone call. Will have to track down and interrogate aforementioned seagull when I go to lunch.
While walking through the parking lot on my way into the office this morning, I passed the most massive seagull I have ever seen. Adaptation due to natural selection? Hardly, in his beak he was carrying a Burger King bag. Made mental note to never wear yellow or red to work.


While casually perusing some of my fellow bloggers' sites (my boss is out till tomorrow and I was looking for ideas to redo my site), I happened upon yet another entirely uninteresting blog. However, being a visual person, I couldn't help but click on the link to the blogger's photo. The link took me to his yahoo personals profile which informed me that he was single AND LOOKING, the picture - interestingly enough - showed 2 guys...one kinda cute, the other N-O-T. Who does he think he's fooling, we know he's the ugly one! I wasn't sure if it would be too mean if I linked to the pic, so let me know if you wanna see it. (LOL, now I try to be nice)

DISCLAIMER: It is 6pm and I am still at work...I'm allowed to be cranky. Also, I AM MEAN...DEAL WITH IT!


Men, it is a truth universally acknowledged that as soon as you leave the room, your "friends" will hit on your date/girlfriend/maybe even wife. My sister and I had a conversation about this phenomena last night...men have no boundaries...yes, it is true.

Sketchy*: his best friend would visit me almost every night I worked, and constantly ask when WE were going to hang out.

Vile*: he had no friends, but his roommates hit on me constantly and weirdly... insisting to hold my hand or to hold my cigarette while I smoked it, and of course inviting me out w/o him.

Douchebag*: how his best friend got my cell phone number, I may never know...but he turned into a total phone stalker.

Loser*: he went to the bathroom and his best friend kissed me!!!

So guys, watch out...what am I saying, you probably hit on their girls too!

* Names have been changed to avoid exposure via google stalking...guys, you know who you are


Maybe I'm just having pre-Halloween jitters but as I was running on the treadmill-which happens to be located in my basement-I started to hear some really weird metal scraping sounds...ignore it and turn up the music right? I did, but it just got louder...DUDE, I seriously think Freddy might be in my basement (not that we have an incinerator). Am I going crazy? Well after this, and Sarah's whole drama, I'm sure to have some crazy nightmares!
Another bad day: woke up 10 mins. before I had to leave, got to the bus stop and saw two buses simultaneously pass in the opposite direction (obviously way behind schedule), tried to choke down my sawdust breakfast bar and ignore the cold drizzle and my fellow bus patrons (usually I have a book or my discman). No such luck today, fortyish redhead with a moustache and receding hairline (a regular that believes himself to be my bus B since a few weeks ago when it was pouring I let him share my umbrella - being nice is overrated!) decides to take advantage of my obvious frazzled state and strike up a conversation. While I wasn't really listening, I can tell you he mentioned: cartoons, his mother, how he whines a lot, and how he is obviously too old. I managed a polite smile and babbled something about not being a morning person. Then, immediately lit a cigarette to ward off any other mental patients.


Plans to go to a movie screening tonight, The Singing Detective. As I haven't seen any trailers, I can only expect Dick Tracy: The Musical. Also the movie stars Robert Downey Jr. who I assumed was still in jail...which I'm still unclear on b/c even when he was, he could still be released for acting work (flashback: Elton John's video). So was he really incarcerated, or did he just live in a crappy L.A. studio rent free?


A recent visit to the ladies room revealed a number of empty toilet paper rolls lined up along the window ledge... does someone in my office have a hamster? or command their own girl scout troop that plans on creating cardboard nativities? perhaps we finally decided to start recycling? or, more likely, is everyone in my office just being their slovenly lazy selves?
This being my first post, I am plagued by the necessity to write something insightful...although, why start off with a lie? I am starting a blog at work today b/c my boss is out... as usual this means I'm a) overwhelmed with work, and b) underwhelmed with motivation.

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