

My entire weekend can easily be summarized by the Lionel Ritchie song "All Night Long". Instead of being my usual lazy blogging self, I will grace you with some of the details...

Let me preface the following by saying: just as Puff Daddy brought back the remix, Sarah has brought back casual dating - it's the new black. But really, when were free dinners/drinks not in style? (Guys- hate the game, not the players) Under Sarah's tutelage, and otherwise lack of anything more interesting to do, I lined up dates for Thur and Fri.

Thur - temp B - casual night in Q-town, conducive to smizin' (at least until April, when MA goes entirely nicotine-free). Bottom line: fun, would go out again as FRIENDS ONLY! Side note: Mentioning marriage in ANY context on a first date is OTT!

Fri - 5-0 B - proper date in Beantown, whole 9 yds. Bottom line: This is Bridget Jones here, with let's face it...a bit of a crush (awwwh...me being sahn-seh-teeve) Side note: Spent the night "at Jill's"

Sat - Jill & Sah - Good Life reunion, dressed, appropriately enough, by paying homage to Miss Spears a la "In the Zone". Bottom line: As if I didn't get enough free drinks this weekend, behbay had made a killing in tips, and generously spread the wealth! Side note: Stay away from men with faux fur jacket fetishes; and the ONLY place worth going after 2am is News.

Sun - Jill & Sah - P-O-R-T-E-R-S!!!! Nuff said! Bottom line: We always forget that football = no music. Side note: sometimes I think twirling our fingers while chanting "COCKTAILS" will never go out of style!

Quick shout out to Vicki, who we've already made plans to kidnap next weekend, she was so on point Sun - you have to give props to a well-constructed insult...even if you're the insultee!

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