

While running on the treadmill tonight in my Engelbert tee (yes, Engelbert Humperdink...do you know another Engelbert?), and spinning my fav - JTim, my mind wandered to the upcoming weekend. After the travails of my extended Halloween, I am certainly looking forward to a felony/misdemeanor-free fin de semana. Inevitably I will be hanging out with Jill and Sarah - maybe I should just resign my hopes to something more attainable? Ha, that's where you're wrong...we have developed a theory (a la Captain Planet), that "With our powers combined...we will stay out of trouble and be good kids!" Now that I think of it, I don't remember the "stay out of trouble" part in the original draft, and I suppose it could be argued that we have a somewhat skewed definition of the word "good" - with that said, I think our theory holds water. Take last weekend - comparitively, Friday vs. Saturday...

Now Friday, sans Jill: petit larceny, solicitation, public urination/nudity (spanks Eryn!), vomiting, contemplating a sleepover at the JFK/UMass T, etc.

As opposed to Saturday, power of three: drinking, smoking, looking good!

That is just one example, don't forget the Beantown insanity that ensued while I was on vaca in Miami w/J&J, or the M&J downward spiral while Sarah was in Lebanon. Eventually the psychiatric industry will have to acknowledge this phenomena that only we (and the Charmed) can truly understand. Until the appropriate journal is published, I will give you the gist of the conclusive findings: it takes 3 girls for an effective cock block.


There is no shame in living at home with your parents! Now repeat that sentence in your best Stuart Smally voice while standing in front of a mirror. Was your little recitation believable? This test is a quick gauge of your acting talents...if you gave a convincing performance - head for the hills of Hollywood...although, I guess that would mean you'd have to move out!

Almost all of my friends live at home, myself included, which depresses me to no end. Until the other day I had convinced myself that I was still living at home out of feelings of obligation and guilt for my job/boss. But the other day we had a temp that had just moved to Boston from Syracuse. When I asked him why he moved here, he replied "No reason, I just felt like moving." My boss casually chimed in, "See Meaghan, you could do that too!" Apparently she thinks I'm a townie that will never leave the Tree...God help me if that's true!

I woke up late this morning, rushed around eating, getting dressed...just as I was about to run out the door to run to the bus stop, I said "bye" to my mim. She usually says "bye" back...but today she said "why are you leaving so early?" I was terribly confused, as I had just woken up...but a quick glance at the clock, told me it was in fact 7:30....not 8:30. I swear I heard my alarm (set for 7:30). Obviously I've set my clocks back, that is no excuse...I hallucinate, and because I usually tend to be running late, generally assume as much. Well at least now I have some time for my blog...and the Today Show.


Yes, I am alive...surprisingly enough after our weekend of scandalous drunken hi-jinks. As I am entirely too lazy to recount the events, I will refer you to Sarah's blog which should help you visualize both the high/lowlights. As for any holes in the timetable or specifics...I plead the fifth. Alternately, with all the drinking and costuming came days spent lounging in bed, eating (Advil mostly), and watching TV of course. Actually this is the perfect time to mention I Love the 80s - could there be a better show? I am not embarrassed to admit that I've seen nearly every single hour-long year recap (Oh, 1986...why do you elude me?) BTW...I heard Catinka has some links to some new Braintrees on Friendster...Behbay, an x you may wish to reunite with (or maybe that cookie should just stay crumbled). So really it was fabu to see everyone - and their costumes of course (Shout outs: Jenny aka Cop-a-feel, Danielle aka She-Ra, Jeannie aka Ketchup). In closing, I would like to add an extra tip to Sarah's list... when staying over someone's house, you should bring a change of clothes (esp. important Halloween weekend). I suppose taking the T or going to Dunkin Donuts the day after Halloween still in costume isn't too trashy...but when it's November 2nd and you're the only one rollin up looking like a 60's prostitute with a bottle of pills around your neck, well... you get the idea.
Final thought: are there any drug addicts that are addicted to suppository medication?

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