

Oh sweet blogger....you knew I'd come back some day. I have decided that I may in fact be the laziest person on the face of the earth. Yesterday, I had ambitious plans that started off with a dentist appt., visiting my old boss, picking up my check, going to the bank, having lunch with the girls in town, etc. After walking home from the dentist (my car is already in CA), I got to my front door only to realize that I didn't have a house key... I can only defend this gross oversight by saying A) I didn't have a car, what did I need keys for; and B) My mom doesn't work...where the hell is she? In case you're worried, I am not blogging on my front steps via cell. After and hour and a half of enjoying the beautiful weather and a few Silk Cuts, my mom returned...only to hear me proclaim I was absolutely exhausted and decided to take the rest of the day off! FYI: I didn't do any of those things today either...but I was kidnapped and held hostage (at least they let me order takeout!)


So I am posting for the first time in...well, a while anyway. I'm not quite sure if it's as a joke to see who still checks my godforsaken blog, or if I truly want to share the details of my life with you, my cyber-audience. Regardless, a post is born. I could catch you up on the details of the last few months, but that seems unnecessarily arduous, both for me to type and for you to read. So...the quick version:
- Andy is a gay man (in case you thought he was still a straight girl)
- Sarah has dual citizenship, the second country being New Hampshire (the Kentucky of the North)
- Jill has forgiven me for demolishing an entire wall of her apartment (I swear it must have been termites)
- Joe Sheehan has a beard (or more appropriately a chin strap)
All in all, life in the 'tree is pretty much business as usual. The only further, more personal update I can add (which most of you should already know) is that I will be moving to LA, Monday, May 3. In preparation, I have modified my reading list to: US Weekly, People, and a number of informational/celebrity gossip magazines: RESEARCH!

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